Tourist flow from Central Asian countries to Azerbaijan gaining momentum
In November this year, a whopping 14,189 tourists from Central Asian countries flocked to Azerbaijan, marking a 10 percent uptick compared to the same time last year when the number stood at 12,951, Trend reports.

According to the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan, the number of tourists from Kazakhstan amounted to 6,166 (up 15 percent over the year), Uzbekistan - 3,402 (down 11 percent over the year), Turkmenistan - 2,753 (up 11 percent over the year), Kyrgyzstan - 1,007 (up 38 percent over the year), Tajikistan - 861 (up 57 percent over the year).
As many as 163,892 tourists from Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan - 79,732 (50 percent growth), Uzbekistan - 40,938 (16 percent growth), Turkmenistan - 29,982 (28 percent growth), Kyrgyzstan - 7,870 (52 percent growth), Tajikistan - 5,370 (22 percent growth)) visited Azerbaijan in the period from January through November of the current year, which is 35 percent more than in the same period of 2023 (121,467).
A total of 2,412,160 foreigners visited Azerbaijan in the reporting period of the current year, which is 27 percent more than in the same period of 2023 (1,892,165).
Moreover, 2,086,548 foreign citizens visited Azerbaijan in 2023, which is more than 30.2 percent higher than the figure for 2022 (1,602,600), including 134,589 people from Central Asian countries, which is 82.31 percent higher than the figure for 2022 (73,823).
To note, a total of 545,730 people visited Azerbaijan from Central Asian countries in 2017-2023 (from Kazakhstan - 225,124, Turkmenistan - 145,216, Uzbekistan - 135,941, Kyrgyzstan - 21,296, Tajikistan - 18,153).
Notably, according to the Statistics Agency of Uzbekistan, in January-October 2024, 57.7 thousand Chinese tourists visited Uzbekistan.