Tourists from Kazakhstan allegedly cause forest fire on Greek island

Forest fire in Greece
Photo credit: Εποχικοί Πυροσβέστες/Facebook

Greek authorities arrested 13 crew and passengers on a yacht on Saturday after fireworks launched from the vessel allegedly ignited a forest fire on the island of Hydra, reported by Kazinform News Agenct with reference to the Greek media Tovima.

The fire, which started in the only forested area on the arid island of Hydra, located off the eastern coast of the Peloponnese, was caused by fireworks released from a mega-yacht carrying tourists. As a result of the incident, thirteen crew members of the Persephone yacht, rented by a group of tourists from Kazakhstan, were arrested. The mayor of Hydra, Georgios Koukoudakis, said the fire occurred on Friday around midnight.

The pleasure boat was seized by the Greek coast guard while it was anchored off a south-eastern marina in the Athens area on Saturday. The volunteer fire brigade quickly arrived at the scene by boat, despite the rough seas. Thanks to additional air support arriving early Saturday, firefighters brought the blaze, which had damaged part of the island's only pine forest in the remote Bisti area, under control.

All suspects are due to appear before a local prosecutor in Piraeus on Sunday, according to the fire brigade. They are accused of careless arson causing significant damage. This crime recently received stricter punishment following a revision of the criminal code.

Fire officers took statements from crew members and passengers on board the vessel, asking, among other things, for the charter agreement for the particular voyage and whether the yacht owner knew there were fireworks on board. Authorities also demanded a license to set off fireworks, which was not available, and specified where and when they were purchased.

Hydra Island is known as a historical and picturesque island with minimal vegetation and the only main settlement where vehicle traffic is prohibited. The entire island is essentially rock with very little greenery. The Hydra fire is a serious incident given that it was the only forested area on the island.

Much of Greece is on high alert due to weather conditions ripe for wildfires. Summer fires are an annual scourge in this eastern Mediterranean country. According to Tovima, the mega-yacht was rented by a group of vacationers from Kazakhstan, but other sources, such as Reuters and The Guardian, do not indicate the tourists' nationality.

Kazinform News Agency also requested information about the citizens from the yacht from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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