Trade unions learnt about potential development of Astana

The meeting was organized in a form of a meaningful talk, where the deputy akim presented detailed information on social and economical development of Astana city, its prospects, and mentioned facts demonstrating the scale of the past and potential future.
"For only 7 months of 2013, within the framework of the regional industrialization map 10 projects were started in Astana creating about 3 thousand of work places. Talking about social compound, we can say that currently Astana holds itself out as the educational center. In addition to intellectual schools and universities of the capital, Nazarbayev University functions successfully here, which is a higher educational institution of the world level", - A.Balaeva said in her speech.
In addition, the deputy akim mentioned some statistic data showing the growth dynamics of the capital.
"There are 434 000 of economically active people in the city, 410 000 of them are actually employed, and there are 24 000 unemployed citizens. Following the results of the second quarter of 2013, the unemployment level amounts to 5.5%, while it was 5.7% in 2012. Of course, it's a good exponent, but we can not stop working in this direction", - noted A.Balaeva.
In the course of the meeting Aida Balaeva covered all topical themes: migration, healthcare, education and other socially important spheres of life.
After the speech of the deputy akim, the meeting continued in a form of a dialogue. Members of trade unions could ask Aida Balaeva all questions of interest.
The main purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the active trade unionists with the condition and prospects of social and economical development of Astana city, further development of social partnership, and strengthening the role and place of trade unions in the society.
In total in Astana there are about 300 primary trade unions involving over 50 000 people. The trade unions build their relations with the state authorities on the base of the city trilateral agreement concluded between the city akim, Trade unions Council and Employers Union.