Tragic world events require greater consolidation of all economies - PM Massimov

MINSK. March 16. KAZINFORM /Aituar Mamlin, Kanat Kulshmanov/ The tragic events in the world will require greater consolidation of all national economies. Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov said it at a sitting of the Interstate EurAsEC Council (supreme body of the Customs Union) in Minsk yesterday.

"Consequences that will certainly affect the world economy, in connection with the tragic events in Japan, North Africa and the Middle East will require greater consolidation in the conduct of macroeconomic policies and further progress of national economies", K. Massimov emphasized.

He also pointed out that since the establishment of the Customs Union the volume of trade turnover between the member states increased.

"Those agreements and results reached during the first year of work of the Customs Union once again demonstrated the effectiveness of this integration association. The Customs Union and Single Economic Space give us an opportunity to respond to all current challenges", the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan resumed.

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