18:26, 12 March 2009 | GMT +5
Transit and transportation core issue in relations with Bulgaria and Greece - Nazarbayev
ASTANA. March 12. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ Close attention in the relations of Kazakhstan with Bulgaria and Greece is paid to development of partnership in transit and transportation which implies plans on diversification of energy supplies to Europe; Kazinform reports.
Receiving credentials from new Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Greece and Bulgaria, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev underlined that "Kazakhstan positively estimates trust-based political dialogue, similarity of positions on top issues of the international policy, progressive development of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries".
?Development of partnership in transit and transportation in the context of plans on diversification of energy supplies to Europe is of special importance. I am sure, that implementation of ?The Path to Europe? government program and Kazakhstan?s chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010 will promote in-depth mutually beneficial development of relations with the European countries?, the President emphasized.