14:22, 17 February 2021 | GMT +6
Turkestan region conducted 35,000 PCR tests for coronavirus in Jan
TURKESTAN. KAZINFORM «35,000 PCR tests for COVID-19 were held in Turkestan region in January,» head of the medical service quality monitoring department of the regional affiliate of the social medical insurance fund Galima Turekhanova said.
The fund and medical organizations of the region signed an agreement on conducting PCR tests to prevent coronavirus spread and treat coronavirus patients. The medical organizations render 29 inpatient and 44 outpatient services.
Last year there were opened PCR laboratories at the national expertise centre, regional phthisiopulmonology centre, dermato-venereal diseases dispensary and Turkestan city hospital. There are also PCR laboratories at district hospitals in Ordabasy, Zhetysai, Saryagash, Sozak, Sairam and Tolebi districts. However there were detected some drawbacks. As she noted medical workers admitted some mistakes while entering data to the data system.