Turkestan revival: the ancient settlement of Kultobe documentary released

The film is unique archeological research, another important page in the country’s historical and cultural chronicle.
It depicts the first results of the largest at the current time archeological expedition in Kazakhstan initiated under the Kultobe historical sites restoration scientific project. It is carried out by the Kazakh culture research institute with financial support from ERG.
As earlier reported, in 2019 the Kazakh Culture and Sports Ministry initiated the complex historical and archeological, ethnic, social and cultural research of the ancient settlement of Kultobe-Yassy situated close to the Yassawi Mausoleum in Turkestan.
The film illustrates the most ambitious projects of the institute. In the near future, Kultobe site will turn into a modern open-air archaeological park. It describes without bias the research work done. The monotonous archeological daily routine is shown as a breathtaking time journey and Kultobe becomes the point of intersection and collision of epochs, religions, and culture to a greater extend clarifying the spiritual status of Turkestan in the Great Steppe.
According to the film director, the film employs no staged photography elements.