08:26, 13 March 2019 | GMT +6
Turkestan to develop new tourist zone
TURKESTAN. KAZINFORM Turkestan region Governor Umirzak Shukeyev surveyed the regional centre on Tuesday to get familiarized with the new tourist zone project. It will be built nearby the Azret Sultan Memorial Estate, the Governor's press service reports.
"The Yassawi Masoluem is well within view from the territory of the Azret Sultan open-air museum. It is crucial to develop the new tourist zone there. The residential buildings should be built in the Oriental style not exceeding three storeys. Besides, it is necessary to build also park areas to create there specific microclimate," Shukeyev said.
Besides, he surveyed the City Gateways projects. The Governor stressed the need to erect new buildings in the future to unveil historical and architectural potential of the city and make it more beautiful.
Shukeyev also got familiarized with the local irrigation system and landscape gardening progress.