14:20, 02 May 2009 | GMT +5
Turkish PM announces cabinet reshuffle
ANKARA. May 2. KAZINFORM Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Friday announced a new cabinet lineup in which several top posts were replaced, Kazinform refers to Xinhuanet.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul has approved the new cabinet list before Erdogan announced it, according to the prime minister.
Former Parliamentary Speaker Bulent Arinc will become state minister and deputy prime minister, said Erdogan.
He said that Foreign Minster Ali Babacan would become state minister and deputy prime minister in charge of economy, returning to the post he left in 2007.
Ahmet Davutoglu, Erdogan's chief foreign policy advisor, was appointed as new foreign minister.
State Minister Mehmet Simsek will replace Kemal Unakitan as finance minister, who suffered poor health earlier this year.
Eight ministers, including those of justice, finance and energy, lost their posts, Kazinform cites Xinhuanet.
See www.chinaview. cn for full version.