10:30, 28 July 2016 | GMT +5
Two districts in Atyrau region put in quarantine for mass cattle death
ATYRAU. KAZINFORM As per an order of Governor Nurlan Nogayev, Kurmangazy and Issatay districts of Atyrau region declared quarantine due to mass death of cattle.

According to the regional administration, the Governor visited Kurmangazy district, where the infection had broken out. 2,043 cows were infected in total and 51 of them died. For a long time, the veterinarians failed to identify the cause of the cattle disease which was accompanied by fever and ulcers Presently, the cause has been revealed. The cattle was infected with dermatitis nodularis which is transmitted primarily by flying insects. 3 mln 300 thousand tenge have been allocated for the treatment of the animals and prevention of further contamination. By the way, dermatitis nodularis is not dangerous for a human.