U.S. Ambassador's video address to Kazakhstanis: Most of all I will miss you
George Krol expressed his gratitude to Kazakhstan in Kazakh and English. The video was accompanied by excerpts from the ambassador's meetings and trips in the country, his participation in the crucial cultural events in the life of Kazakhstan. There are also musical fragments, where George Krol and the embassy staff sing the national anthem of Kazakhstan.
"My Dear Kazakhstanis, as I conclude my assignment as Ambassador of the United States of America to Kazakhstan, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for the hospitality and openness you've extended to me the very moment I arrived in your beautiful country over three years ago. I've had unforgettable experiences in your country. I visited some of the most beautiful and spiritually uplifting places in this world. I will always remember the overwhelming sense of peace I felt when visiting the holy sites of Beket Ata and Sholpan Ata in Mangistau Province, the soaring mountains of the Tian Shan, the immense steppe of Central Kazakhstan, and the pristine lakes, forests, and streams of Eastern Kazakhstan. I only regret that my work here in your stunning capital of Astana kept me from seeing more of your country and meeting more of you. But that could take a lifetime. I greatly enjoyed being Commissioner of the United States Pavilion at last year's historic EXPO, where ideas of the future energy gave inspiration to the world. I am proud of the diplomatic achievements we made working together to strengthen and expand the relations between our countries and our peoples, including helping to realize the historic meeting of our presidents in Washington in January of this year. I will miss the stirring and soulful sound of the dombra and the kobyz, the refreshing taste of my daily drink of shubat. And, of course, I will miss my yurt. But most of all, I will miss you - the great, strong, free, and diverse people of Kazakhstan. You are what make your country special to me. I am glad to have that opportunity in my life to get to know you, to learn from you, and to share in the richness and diversity of your culture. Although I will be leaving Kazakhstan, you will always be with me in my heart and in my hopes. Your country and people are blessed with material and spiritual wealth. Your fascinating history, your inner strength, and your vision for the future inspire me. My Dear Kazakhstanis, from the bottom of my heart I thank you. Farewell!" said George Krol.
View this post on Instagram"Мен үшін Қазақстан – өздеріңізбен, халқымен ерекше. Мен Сіздермен кездескеніме, сіздерден үйренгеніме, сіздердің бай, әр алуан қырлы мәдениеттеріңізбен танысқаныма, өмірімде осындай мүмкіндіктің болғанына өте разымын. Мен өз еліме оралсам да сіздерді әрдайым жүрегімде сақтаймын", - Қазақстандағы АҚШ Елшісі Джордж Крол. 🇺🇸🤝🇰🇿 "Ваша страна и народ наделены большим материальным и духовным богатством. Ваша чарующая история, внутренняя сила и взгляд на будущее вдохновляют меня. Я всегда буду лелеять воспоминания о том, как тепло вы меня принимали в вашей стране, в ваших домах и в ваших сердцах", - Посол США в Казахстане Джордж Крол.