19:00, 21 April 2009 | GMT +5
U.S. dollar rises against most major currencies
NEW YORK. April 21. KAZINFORM The U.S. dollar rose against most major currencies on Monday as investors worried about the outlook of the U.S. financial industry; Kazinform refers to Xinhua.

Bank of America, the largest bank of the United States, reported on Monday that it posted a profit of 2.81 billion dollars in the first quarter. Profit per share is 44 cents, far more than expected.
It was the latest in a series of better-than-expected profit reports from major U.S. financial institutions including Citigroup and Goldman-Sachs.
But the profit reports failed to lift market sentiment significantly as investors still worried about credit loss of big banks. The strong results were not expected to sustain; Kazinform cites Xinhua.
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