U.S. nuclear envoy arrives in S Korea

SEOUL. May 8. KAZINFORM Senior nuclear envoy of the United States Stephen Bosworth arrived at Incheon International Airport in South Korea's capital Seoul on Friday to consult with the country's government on the inter-Korean issue, Kazinform refers to Xinhua.
"I am pleased to be here and I am looking forward to my talks with South Korean government officials," Bosworth told reporters upon his arrival. Bosworth is visiting South Korea after his two-day trip to Beijing where he met Chinese officials and had discussion on resuming the six-party talks on the inter-Korean relations. He declined to comment on Pyongyang's statement issued a few hours before his arrival, on which the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s foreign ministry criticized the Obama regime. Earlier in the day, the DPRK foreign ministry said that there is no need to have talks with the U.S. as the nation finds no policy change between the Obama government and its predecessor, Kazinform cites Xinhua. See www.hinaview.cn for full version.
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