U.S. welcomes Kazakhstan’s constitutional referendum as next step in political modernization

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM «The United States strongly supports President Tokayev’s political modernization and human rights reform agendas, and in this regard, we welcome June 5 referendum as the next step in this reform process,» underlined Uzra Zeya, the U.S. Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights in her message to Special Representative of the President of Kazakhstan for International Cooperation Erzhan Kazykhan, the press service of the Kazakh MFA informs.

«We stand ready to assist Kazakhstan as you embark on the difficult road of democratizing your government, building transparent and responsive institutions , and strengthening human rights protections, in coordination with an independent civil society,» the message further says.

The senior American official added the United States was committed to a secure, stable, prosperous and democratic Kazakhstan and she hopes to discuss Kazakhstan’s continued concrete achievements towards democratic, responsive and accountable public governance.

Following Kazakhstan-US previous agreements the U.S. Under Secretary of State State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Zeya visited Kazakhstan to jointly with the President’s Special Representative Erzhan Kazykhan launch the High-Level Dialogue on Human Rights and Democratic Reforms on April 11, 2022 in Nur-Sultan.

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