13:42, 11 December 2009 | GMT +5
U. Shukeyev handed out keys to home investors of Independence housing complex in Astana
ASTANA. December 11. KAZINFORM /Gulnara Zhandagulova/ First Vice Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeyev has handed out keys from apartments at the of Independence complex to the housing investors today.

"Today we witness opening of one of the largest housing projects which was completed by the state", Shukeyev said addressing the new owners of the apartments.
He also reminded of 62, 000 home investors who are waiting for their apartments at 455 projects countrywide. "Due to wise and brave decision of the Head of the State on allocation of KZT 550 bln from the National Fund we can solve this problem and home investors are receiving the key from their apartments", U. Shukeyev said and wished health, happiness and welfare to the home owners. There are 500 apartments at Independence complex.