19:09, 06 May 2009 | GMT +5
Ukrainian Diplomats honor Kazakh veterans
ASTANA. May 6. KAZINFORM Every year the Embassy of Ukraine in Kazakhstan honors the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and rear workers – those who defended the Motherland from the fascist aggressors, who forged Great Victory at the plants and factories and those who fed soldiers-liberators.

Opening the event Ambassador of Ukraine to Kazakhstan Nikolay Selivon, whose father was among the warriors-defenders, noted the World War II had become a true Patriotic War for our peoples since whole nation rose for struggle against the invaders.
?Due to you heroism our nations won over the fascists. The Great Patriotic War showed one more significant feature of our nations to the world ? unity, brotherhood and readiness for help?, the Ambassador noted.
According to the Ambassador far Kazakhstan sent more than 1 mln 200 thousand soldiers to the war. Half of them took part in the battles for liberation of Ukraine, not only at the front but also in the rear. Kazakhstanis were nearly in each guerilla troop in Ukraine.
?Dear friends, the Ukrainian people respect your service and are grateful to you for this. We will always remember everything you have done for liberation of our country from the fascists? enslavement?, N. Selivon highlighted.
The veterans were awarded with the medal of the 60th anniversary of liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders. All attendees were handed out a book ?Kazakhstan-Ukraine: Ways and Intersections?. The veterans expressed gratitude to the Ukrainian President and Diplomats for the memory and care of those who did their best for the name of Great Victory.