Ukrainian president accuses government of sabotage and warns about reshuffles

At a meeting of the economic reform committee, the president voice sever criticism over the poor economic performances in 2012.
The prime minister put the blame for that on the global economic crisis. "The last year was very difficult for the country. The aggravating economic recession tells negatively on all state, it is influencing our country as well. Our economic indices are worse than we expected. We ended the year in austerity," Azarov said. At the same time, he noted that Ukraine has managed to avoid possible economic collapses forecasted by experts.
The president however said Azarov's reported lacked critical views. "I cannot make out how it can happen that the modernization reform plans were fallen short by 35 percent," Yanukovich said and placed full responsibility for that on the prime minister. "Nikolai Yanovich, this is sabotage! People have simply lost any sense of responsibility. This is the problem," he stressed. In his words, many officials are lacking the will to give up their former practices of corruption and obsolete bureaucracy.
Yanukovich said he pinned great hopes on new ministers. "I would like you to change the work styles, to draw preliminary results systematically, not waiting till the end of a year," he said. "When you see problems, you must look for ways to mend them. If it implies reshuffles, so let us solve these problems together."
At the same time, Yanukovich stressed he admitted his share of responsibility. "We cannot turn a blind eye to the truth. That is why, timely coordinated efforts are needed to improve the situation over the implementation of our decisions and laws," he said.
According to the president, the philosophy of reforms requires responsility from those who implement them. "Irresponsible officials must be punished. If you are unable to work, then you must quit the executive authorities. Corruption must be punished in compliance with the law," Yanukovich stressed.
According to the Ukrainian government, Ukraine's GDP growth in 2012 will be a mere one percent, instead of the 3.9 percent fixed in the state budget.
In 2009, Ukraine's GDP went down by 14.8 percent on the previous year. In 2010 and 2011, it was up by 4.1 percent and 5.2 percent, respectively.