UN GA to adopt Russia resolution on world road safety
"Having got the right to draft and officially present the resolution, Russia is aware of the whole burden of responsibility entrusted to it, as it is, in essence, a policy document for all parties concerned for the near term," Russian Deputy Interior Minister, Colonel-General Viktor Kiryanov told Itar-Tass. "Acting as a 'locomotive' of international cooperation in the sphere of road safety, Russia has undertaken the preparation of the next resolution of the UN General Assembly that I hope will be adopted on Thursday."
According to Kiryanov, the draft resolution was developed with Russia's partners, which made it possible "to ensure an integrated, comprehensive approach to determining the content of the document and 'polishing' the language, as well as to take into account the interests of various groups of society and the concerned government agencies and nongovernmental organisations." He expressed the hope that the adoption of the UN General Assembly's resolution on "Improving global road safety" will be appreciated by road users around the world.
The draft resolution, a copy of which was received by Itar-Tass, welcomes the fact that over 100 countries have already joined the work to implement the goals and objectives of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, which was launched on May 11, 2011. The document calls on UN member states to actively conduct activities at the national level in the field of road safety in each of the five major spheres envisaged by the Global Plan of Action of the Decade. These include the road safety management, safe roads and transportation system, safe cars, considerate road users and rapid response to traffic accidents.