17:58, 07 December 2009 | GMT +5
UN General Assembly approved resolution on announcement of August 29 International Day Against Nuclear Tests
ASTANA. December 7. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ "The UN General Assembly approved the resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan that announces August 29 the International Day against nuclear tests", official representative of the Kazakh Foreign Minister Yerzhan Ashikbayev said Monday at the briefing.

"This step is an acknowledgement of the contribution of our country headed by President N.Nazarbayev to strengthening of the international security and mass destruction weapons non-proliferation regime by the international community", Y.Ashikbayev said.
In this document the UN General Assembly appeals all member state and the UN system, the civil society, scientific communities, mass media and people to celebrate this day annually.
As Y.Ashikbayev said, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry expresses gratitude to the international community for the support of the initiative of the Kazakh President as an important step to nuclear weapons free world.