15:43, 28 April 2009 | GMT +5
UN ready to help solve ecological problems of Aral Sea basin
ALMATY. April 28. KAZINFORM. /Dauren Zhailin/ ?I am glad that despite the global economic and financial crisis heads of the Central Asian states have agreed to discuss ecological problems of the Aral Sea?, Miroslav Jenca, the UN Secretary General?s Special Representative and the Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, has said on behalf of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the Summit of states-founders of the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea in Almaty today.

M. Jenca thanked the Kazakh Government for good organization of the summit. He noted that the issues of saving the Aral Sea were for the first time discussed at the meeting of heads of the Central Asian states on October 10, 2008 in Bishkek. ?Continuation of this process is very important for strengthening peace and mutual understanding in the region and search for long-term solution on the basis of transparency and cooperation?, he said.
?Water resources of Central Asia are very fragile. For the previous decades the area of the Aral Sea, that once was the world's fourth-largest lake, has decreased by 70%. It threatens sustainable livelihood system?, the UN Secretary General?s address reads.
The Secretary General noted that the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea was able to support the development of mutually beneficial and long-term solution of the Aral Sea problem. He also emphasized that the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia was ready to help solve the problems connected with the Aral Sea and offer intermediary services in the process of future negotiations.