11:11, 11 December 2012 | GMT +5
Unemployment rate in Kazakhstan decreased to 5.2 percent - S. Abdenov
ASTNA. December 11. KAZINFORM "The unemployment rate in Kazakhstan decreased from 5.3% to 5.2% in the third quarter of this year," Kazakh Minister of Labor and Social Protection Serik Abdenov informed during the Government meeting.

53 thousand people were involved into professional training within the program "Employment-2020"; rates of employment have significantly increased. If in the past it was possible to employ only half of those who completed training, but this year the number of employed is 81.3% (20.6 thousand).
" 51.6 thousand people were employed in social work last year and only 16.2 thousand in the current year," S.Abdenov informed.
The Minister also noted the 4-fold increase in the number of employers involved in the program.