Unemployment rate in Slovakia currently stands at 7.66 percent
The current rate of registered unemployment stands at 7.66 percent, while the number of available jobs has gone up to reach 73,575.
The registered unemployment rate has been falling continuously for four months. The number of available jobs has been growing since the beginning of the year. «We expect the labour market to be stable in the future, in the next few months. We don’t expect the decline in unemployment to be rapid because the effects of the pandemic are still apparent, but based on this, we can see that people who may lose their jobs in the post-pandemic situation will have an opportunity to find a new one,» said Krajniak.
The minister went on to say that compared to the same period in July last year, and despite the most recent winter/spring wave of the pandemic, the number of people in material need also decreased, by about 5,000. «Many of them were able to receive the so-called SOS subsidy, which, however, isn’t paid out any more. The number of material-need beneficiaries has been steadily declining since last summer, even during the winter/spring wave of the pandemic,» he said.