UNIDO as a part of Astana Economic Forum and World Anti-Crisis Conference

May 21-23, 2014 Kazakhstan capital will be in the centre of the world attention. On these days VII Astana Economic Forum and II World Anti-Crisis Conference are taking place. It is planned to deliberate on discussions and development of recommendations on achieving global sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy. Astana will become a place of meeting of leading politicians, experts and scientists who have been working on the Draft Concept of World Anti-Crisis Plan for the UN member-states for two years, the Forum's press service reports. Li Yong, UNIDO Director General, has said, "UNIDO welcomes an initiative of the Kazakh government and Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association (EECSA) broadly supported by the global community on the development of World Anti-Crisis Plan (WACP), and offers to include WACP in approaching inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) as a measure in overcoming global economic crisis". Li Yong, UNIDO Director General, has said, "I would like to mention that principles and fundamental measures of World Anti-Crisis Conference on overcoming long term effects of the consequences of the global economic and financial crisis such as promotion of "green growth", strengthening of global trade and reduction of the harm from climate change coincide with UNIDO global mandate in assisting ISID". Director General has also mentioned that UNIDO would be grateful if this international body could be included in WAC list as one of the partner-organisations from the UN responsible for sustainable development of the world economy. Note: United Nations Industrial Development Organization is a special UN organization efforts of which are focused on the fight with poverty by increasing working efficiency. UNIDO provides support to the developing countries and countries in transition in their fight with marginalization in modern conditions of globalization. In turn, Programme of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) was founded by Lima declaration accepted at UNIDO General Conference in Dec 2013. As a specialized UN-body, UNIDO is oriented at promoting ISID via rewarding global industrial partnership and cooperation.