Unique center for children with disabilities to be opened in the capital

“Dara” charity Fund supported by Astana city akimat has opened the first correction center in Astana. Here on the base of the state quota children can get complex assistance of the number of specialists: speech therapist, special-needs expert, psychologist, choreographer, remedial gymnastics specialist and others.
“Each child with special needs will have an opportunity to have a course of special exercises which lasts from 3 months to one year. The opening of such institution is very important for Astana city, for about 2000 disabled children live there, according to the official data”, - say the organizers.
The center is officially named “Psychological and pedagogical correction room № 1” of Astana city Akimat, and it will function within the territory of school №68.
“The Akimat has allocated a place and salary fund for the specialists. And private charity Fund “Dara”, which has been working in the sphere of support of disabled and orphan children since 2005, has rendered the needed sponsor assistance with the help of its partners”, - they told in the Fund.
By joint efforts the Correction room has been prepared to provide quality services for children who need them. The opportunity of getting free and professional correction help is crucial for disabled children, especially from needy families. They need assistance in overcoming physical ailments as well as psychological support, opportunity to communicate with coevals, new knowledge and skills.