Unique exhibition “Gold heritage of the Scythians” opened in Astana

ASTANA. September 18. KAZINFORM - A unique exhibition “Gold heritage of the Scythians” opens today in Nazarbayev Center. At the exhibition visitors of the museum will see magnificent gold rarities found within the governmental program “Cultural heritage”, according to astana.kz.

Central and major showpiece of the exhibition is the “Golden man” found in 1969-1970 during digging of Issyk kurgan near Almaty city under the guidance of the archaeologist Kemal Akishev, and it is a masterpiece of jewellery art executed in a famous Scythian and Saka “zoomorphic ornament”. “Golden man” is one of the symbols of independent Kazakhstan”, - reports the press service of the center.

The state museum of gold and precious metals has presented copies of “Golden man” dress elements. The dress of the warrior has over 4000 golden disks and plates with styled images of animals: tigers, deers, snow leopards, horses, wild sheep, eagles. The high art of the jewellery of the ancient Scythians confirms application of different techniques of metalworking: casting, hammering, pressing, embossing, engraving, granulating, lettering, carving. The age of gold ornamentals of the Saka warrior bears a date of V-VI cc. B.C.

Treasures of Pazyryk kurgans, Berel valley and Kyzyl-Uik sanctuary located on North Ustyurt (Horezm-Edil) are represented in the exposition of “Gold heritage of the Scythians” hall in a unique way.

Pazyryk world shows one of the most amusing images of the Scythian, or more precisely, Altai “zoomorphic ornament” which is decoratively elegant and graceful. Thanks to truly wonderful conjuncture, examples of life of Pazyryk period can be fully seen today. In 1993, archaeologists from Novosibirsk found mummies of Pazyryk lady and a man. The works on costumes reconstruction belong to T.Zhailaubaeva”, - they tell in Nazarbayev Center.

Today the jewellery heritage of the Scythian culture is one of the greatest and wonderful achievement of the world culture.

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