Up to 10 documents to be signed at SCO Summit in Bishkek

BISHKEK. KAZINFORM About 10 documents will be signed at the summit of the Council of Heads of Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which is held on November 3 in Bishkek, Deputy Director of integration associations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, national coordinator of SCO from Kyrgyzstan Gulkayir Balbaeva said at a press conference in Kabar Agency.

The following documents will be signed, she said:
- Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO member states;
- On the report of the SCO Secretariat on the implementation of the Programme of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation of the SCO member states;
- On financial report about utilization of the SCO budget for 2015;
- On SCO budget for 2017;
- On the Report of the Commission of External Auditors of the SCO Member States to conduct an external audit of financial and economic activity of the SCO permanent bodies;
- On the list of activities for further development of the project activities within the SCO framework for 2017-2021;
- On the Concept of scientific and technical partnership of the SCO;
- On Action Plan for the implementation of the Agreement between the governments of SCO member states on scientific and technical cooperation for the period from 2016 to 2020;
- Joint Communiqué.

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