Up to 32 thou kindergarten places to be opened in Kazakhstan in 2021

One of the instructions given to the country’s Education Ministry is to finalize the introduction of demand-side financing mechanisms in pre-school education by December of 2021 and ensure its widespread introduction in 2022. The Ministry has also been charged with approving and introducing international performance indicators for nursing schools before April 1.
The governors were also instructed to carry out work to open up to 32 thousand kindergarten places by developing the network of private kindergartens in 2021. Timely commissioning of 200 schools has also been tasked throughout the year.
The PM also instructed the governors to submit a roadmap until March 25 to carry out refurbishment works at 5 thousand rural schools, increase the State order to train specialists in colleges by 20 thousand places, and submit a list of 20 best universities to the Government for consideration by the Council on Competitiveness of Universities.