09:53, 31 August 2013 | GMT +5
URGENT: 9 killed in car crash in Almaty region
ASTANA. August 31. KAZINFORM Audi car collided in Mitsubishi auto on Friday evening at "Almaty-Ust-kamenogorsk" road in Almaty region, Kazinfom has learnt from the press service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Kazakhstan.

Following the crash the two cars went up in flames. The fire was distinguished in 30 minutes. Four firemen and one unite of the fire service equipment of the region's emergency department worked at the scene.
According to the data of the Kazakh Ministry of Emergencies, the both drivers, an infant girl, three passengers of Audi and another three from Mitsubishi died at the scene. A 8-year-old girl had various injuries and was admitted to a hospital.