US actress Sandra Bullock to star in film on 2002 Bolivian election

The film named "Our Brand Is Crisis" will be shot after Rachel Boyton's documentary film. George Clooney will be the producer of this film. The film is not shot in Bolivia. The shooting began in the end of September in New Orleans (Louisiana), and the next week it will continue in Puerto Rico. The film is based upon a story about a group of American political strategists who came to Bolivia to improve President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada's image ahead of the 2002 presidential elections. He was in the end re-elected to the second term in 2002. A year later, the president was forced to resign and fled the country to settle in the USA. Bolivia has sought extradition of the former president for several years. He is accused of ordering to disperse mass protests in October 2003 that killed 67 people and injured 400.