20:13, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
US Ambassador visits Kazakh National Al Farabi University
ALMATY. April 23. KAZINFORM. /Dauren Zhailin/ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Kazakhstan Richard Hoagland has visit the Kazakh National Al Farabi University in Almaty today.

The diplomat was acquainted with the peculiarities of the state policy in the sphere of education, innovation directions of Kazakhstan?s higher education system in the field of mathematics, informatics and nanotechnologies.
The Ambassador expressed interest in Bolashak President?s Program. In this context Rector of the University Bakytzhan Zhumagulov suggested developing educational cooperation between the higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and the USA. According to him, it is necessary to establish students and teachers exchange contacts with the leading American universities; cooperation with scientific centers and laboratories.
B. Zhumagulov informed of the work of Kazakh language centers in Russia, China and Japan, where students study the Kazakh language, culture and traditions of Kazakhstan. ?We are ready to open such center in the USA?, the Rector said. He invited Mr. Hoagland to take part in the celebratory events devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Kazakh National Al Farabi University.
The Ambassador backed all proposals and initiatives of the University.