US companies study Kostanay region investment opportunities

The delegation consists of stockholders and heads of world's famous companies such as TysonFreshMeatInc, Global Beef Investors, ANIMART Dairy & Livestock Solutions, VALLEY, VALMONT Irrigation, 3rd Millennium Genetics LLC. They have already visited a number of facilities.
Besides, they took part in the meeting in the territory of the industrial zone of Kostanay city, attended a presentation of the region's investment potential, and got familiarized with priorities of the region's agro-industrial complex development and state support measures, especially of those concerning processing of agricultural crops.
Having visited the industrial zone the investors noted that Kostanay region has huge potential for implementation of agro-industrial projects. It is noteworthy, there are all conditions created, rich resource and raw material base and full state support.
The delegation studied at large the opportunities for development of projects not only in beef farming but also in cropping, dairy foods production, etc.
Following the results of the visit, the parties will debate issues for further possible cooperation.