16:14, 29 July 2016 | GMT +5
US dollar exchange rate slightly decreases in Astana, Almaty
ALMATY. KAZINFORM - According to kurs.kz and valuta.kz web portals, exchange offices in Astana and Almaty cities have decreased the USD exchange rate to 354 tenge per one US dollar and 354 tenge per one US dollar respectively.

The purchase rate made 352 tenge per one US dollar in Astana and 352.5 tenge per one US dollar in Almaty.
The National Bank of Kazakhstan sells dollars for 354.89 tenge per US dollar. Kazkommertsbank and BankCenterCredit sell dollars for 354.5 and 355 tenge per US dollar accordingly.
Exchange offices in Astana had a maximum sell rate of 357 tenge per US dollar and a maximum purchase rate of 353 tenge per US dollar this morning. As for Almaty, local exchange offices had a maximum sell rate of 354.7 tenge per US dollar and a maximum purchase rate of 352 tenge per US dollar.