USD 23.7 for preservation of Kazakhstan?s steppe ecosystems

ASTANA. May 12. KAZINFORM /Narymbek Ismagulov/ Kazakhstan, Global Ecological Gund and the UNDP are to launch a joint project on Preservation and sustainable management of steppe ecosystems/i>. The aims and prospects of its implementation are being discussed now at a seminar in Astana with the participation of international experts and representatives of state bodies and institutions.
The term of the project?s realization is 5 year. Several tasks directed on preservation of the country?s steppe ecosystems are planned to be solved after this. They include ensuring protection of all ecosystems, development and realization of the mechanisms of rational usage of natural resources of steppe ecosystems and increasing efficiency of nature protection activities. Initially the project will be realized in steppe zones of Kostanay, Akmola and Karaganda oblasts. The total cost of the project is USD 23.7 mln. The funds will be provided by the Government of the country, the Global Ecological Fund, the UNDP and non-governmental organizations.
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