Uzbekistan and Japan to boost food industry development

Uzbekistan, Japan
Photo credit: UzA

Tashkent hosted the Uzbekistan – Japan Food Industry Development Forum, UzA reports. 

The event, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was attended by government officials from both countries, representatives of the business community, and industry experts.

Director General for Export and International Affairs Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan Mizuno Masayoshi, Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shokhrukh Gulyamov, and others noted that strengthening relations between countries is important for the development of agriculture and the food industry, along with all sectors. Since 2015, Japan and Uzbekistan have aimed to expand ties in the agri-food sector and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation.

Representatives of the Japanese government and businesses demonstrated Japanese agricultural technologies and discussed the potential for their implementation in Uzbekistan. The event aimed to discuss the possibilities of introducing modern technologies in Uzbekistan and supplying high-quality, innovative seed products for Uzbek farmers.

As part of the forum, an exhibition of Japanese cuisine, high-quality fish products, and world-famous varieties of Japanese green tea was held.

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