Uzbekistan CEC provides initial information on elections to Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis

Generally the elections for the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and local representative bodies of state authority were attended by 87.8 percent or 15,108,950 voters.
Abdusalomov remembered that according to the electoral legislation of Uzbekistan, the candidate who gains 50 percent plus one vote is considered elected.
The elections were attended by 506 candidates from the four existing political parties - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (UzLiDeP), Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Milliy Tiklanish, People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (PDPU) and Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (SDPU) Adolat.
As a result of elections, 33 MPs were elected from UzLiDeP, 26 from Milliy Tiklanish, 20 from PDPU and 15 from Adolat in addition, 15 MPs were elected for the Eco movement of Uzbekistan.
Abdusalomov remembered that in accordance with law, the MP faction in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis may be formed by at least nine deputies.
The final lists of MPs elected to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis will be published in the official press during the period established by the law, said Abdusalomov. According to the CEC chairman, currently the CEC has received no reports on any violations of electoral legislation, Trend News reports.