V International Students Conference ?Opening the world of science? is on in Astana

ASTANA. April 9. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ V International Students Conference ?Opening the world of science? has been opened in the Palace of Independence today. The event was attended by Minister of Education and Science Zhansseit Tuimebayev and Chairman of the National Space Agency Talgat Mussabayev.
?President Nursultan Nazarbayev pays particular attention to the development of science in Kazakhstan. In this connection 5 national, 15 engineering laboratories have been established over the last two years countrywide. These laboratories have no analogues. We attract a big number of foreign scientists. USD 1 mln are allotted by the Eurasian National Gumilyov University and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University annually for this aim?, Z. Tuimebayev said. According to the Minister, more than 70% of Bolashak scholarship holders are sent abroad for obtaining education in technical sphere. Within the conference talented students from Kazakhstan, Russia and Georgia presented their models and devices connected with space technologies, aero-modeling and physical astronomy.
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