VI Sino-Russo-Kazakh Oil & Gas Forum kicks off in Beijing

BEIJING. April 10. KAZINFORM Beijing hosts the VI Sino-Russo-Kazakh Oil & Gas Forum on April 10-13.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Counselor Sabyr Imandosov noted the SCO, including 6 countries, makes special efforts to achieve economic prosperity and stability in the region.

According to him, the objective conditions for the SCO member states cooperation intensification, including the energy, are favorable. Such largest oil pipes as the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Eastern-Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline (ESPO), Central Asia-China  gas pipeline operate in the SCO territory. According to the International Energy Agency growth in oil demand in the key countries till 2025 will outstrip the world by 25% and gas by 50%,"  S. Imandosov mentioned.

Further he stressed bilateral cooperation should not be opposed to multilateral  as the most important source of multilateral cooperation is often the bilateral projects to which  third countries may affiliate. As an example is the existing pipeline system, connecting Russia, Central Asia countries and China.

The Sino-Russo-Kazakh Oil & Gas Forum has been traditionally held since 2004. According to Confidence Capital Group General Director Andrey Rudenko, against the background of steady progressive development of oil and gas industry in Russia and Kazakhstan, this area was not only interesting for the market, but also very popular.

Kazakhstan news agency "Kazinform" along with other foreign media agencies provide media support for this forum.


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