Vice Chairman of Kazakhstan State-Private Partnership Center to make report at conference in Geneva

In particular, the participants will discuss the issues regarding creation of an International Center for State-Private Partnership - the sources of financing the Center's activity, the founders of the institution, the order of carrying out activities of the Center, its status, location of the headquarters and access to the services of the International Center.
The agenda also includes the issues of strengthening the potential and exchange of information under the UN Commission for Europe which will promote development of state-private partnership on the national level.
In the course of the conference the representatives of Kazakhstan State-Private Partnership Center will hold a number of meetings with the their colleagues from the leading countries of the world - France, Great Britain, South Korea, Germany and others as well as with the experts in state-private partnership, consulting companies and other organizations working in this sphere.
Yesterday K. Tilebaldinov took part in the VI sitting of the Kazakhstan-Switzerland Intergovernmental commission on trade-economic cooperation and in a Kazakh-Swiss business-forum in Zurich.