10:04, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
VIII Eurasian Media Forum opens in Almaty
ALMATY. April 23. KAZINFORM /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ The VIII Eurasian Media Forum is opening today in Almaty to discuss the main political events for the last year.

One of the main themes of the Forum is the severe crisis of the international financial system and the world economy. Experts will try to explain why such a predictable event took the world community unawares and what problem is underlying of this disaster.
Another traditional subject is the problems and objectives of modern journalism, particularly the problems of impartiality of modern mass media, phenomenon of the blog sphere and internet mass media.
At the forum USA ex-congressman Harold Ford and other delegates of the Forum will tell about the first results and prognoses made by the new President of the USA. The participants will resume the first 100 days of the work of the White House new administration .