Volume of industrial products in Astana made over KZT 165 bln in 8 months

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - According to the department of statistics of Astana, the volume of industrial products made over KZT 165.6 bln in the January-August period of 2015, www.astana.kz informs.

Thus, the index of physical volume of industrial production in the period from January through August 2015 was 104.2% compared to the same period of 2014.

The physical volume of products in the processing industry has increased by 4.9% compared to the period from January through August 2014 and made KZT 126 bln. The growth of production is registered in the processing industry, metallurgical sector and some other sectors.

Besides, the volume of products in the field of supply of gas, air conditioning and electricity supply made KZT 34.3 bln in the reporting period. The index of physical volume of products was 102.5% in the January-August 2015 period compared to the same period of 2014.

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