Volume of investment in fixes assets totaled 7,7 trillion tenge in 2016
The volume of investment in fixed assets in January-December 2016 was 7718.8 billion tenge, which is 5.1% higher than in 2015.
Industrial output in January-December 2016 was 18559.2 billion tenge in current prices, which is 1.1% less than in 2015. In manufacturing production has increased by 0.7%, in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning - by 0.4%. In mining and quarrying production has decreased by 2.7%, in water supply, sewerage system, control over the collection and distribution - by 4.6%.
The volume of gross output (services) of agriculture in January-December 2016 was 3615.8 billion tenge, which is 5.5% more than in 2015.
In «Transport» sector the volume index in January-December 2016 was 103.8%.
The volume of freight turnover in January-December 2016 amounted to 514.7 billion ton-kilometers (given the estimation of the volume of turnover of individual entrepreneurs involved in commercial transportation) and 100.5% as compared to January-December 2015. The volume of passenger turnover was 264.1 billion passenger-kilometers and increased by 4%.
In «Communications» sector the volume index in January-December 2016 was 98%.
In «Trade» sector the volume index in January-December 2016 was 98.6%.
The volume of retail trade in January-December 2016 was 7661.8 billion tenge and 100.9% as compared to January-December 2015 (in the comparable prices).
The volume of wholesale trade in January-December 2016 was 18429.6 billion tenge and 97.3% as compared to January-December 2015 (in the comparable prices).
The foreign trade turnover of Kazakhstan in January-November 2016 was 55298.7 million US dollars and compared to January-November 2015 it decreased by 21.4%, including export - 32732.1 million US dollars (22.2% decrease), imports - 22566.6 million US dollars (20.1% decrease).
The number of registered legal entities as of January 1, 2016 was 383850 units and compared with the corresponding period of the previous year increased by 6.5%, including 374912 units with less than 100 employees. The number of operating entities was 236103 including 227613 small businesses (less than 100 employees).
The consumer price index in December 2016 compared to December 2015 was 108.5%. The food prices have increased by 9.7%, non-food - by 9.5%, paid services - by 6.1%. Prices of industrial products in December 2016 compared to December 2015 has increased by 15.5%.
Per capita nominal income of the population estimated in November 2016 was 74622 tenge which is 2.3% higher compared to November 2015, the real monetary income in November 2016 decreased by 5.9%.
Average monthly nominal wages accrued to employees (estimated) in December 2016 was 151770 tenge.
The number of unemployed people estimated in December 2016 was 447.6 thsd. people. The unemployment rate was 5% of the economically active population. Number of persons registered with employment offices as unemployed at the end of December 2016 was 37.5 thsd. people or 0.4% of the economically active population.