20:37, 12 January 2009 | GMT +5
Volume of Kazakhstan telecommunications market made KZT 379 bln in 2008: AIC
ASTANA. January 12. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ The total volume of Kazakhstan telecommunications market made KZT 379 bln in 2008 that is 3% of the GDP, Chairman of the Agency for Informatisation and Communications Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev has said at the sitting of the board, Kazinform reports.
Mr. Yessekeyev emphasized high rates of growth of cellular operators, tough competition on the market and growth of their incomes over the last year. According to the Agency? data, the number of users of cellular communication has made more than 15 mln people countrywide, density index reached 98 per 100 citizens. ?The data was received on the basis of the sold SIM-cards?, he clarified.
Number of people using internet through mobile phones grows. ?About 1.5 mln users of Kar-TEL and K-Cell operators have connected internet through the cell-phones this month?, he said.
As for the fixed telephone lines, the Chairman of the Agency said that their density in 2008 made 23 per 100 citizens.