Waste collection points help to cope with pollution in Karaganda

ASTANA. September 17. KAZINFORM - For the first time in Karaganda under the initiative of the Akim of October district and "Recycling" LLP has been organized separate waste collection point.

The goal of the activity is improvement of environmental and sanitary conditions in the city. At the waste collection point anyone can hand in the waste and get refunding. For example, for 1 kilogram of plastic one is paid KZT 10 (tenge), 1 kg of glass is worth KZT 5, 1 kg of carton costs KZT 3, polyethylene costs KZT 8 and for 2 aluminum cans one can get KZT 1.

Separate waste collection pont will significantly reduce the amount of garbage in the streets which generally has a positive impact on the condition of the entire city of Karaganda.

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