Water level in River Zhaiyk rises, 24-hour vigil maintained in Atyrau

Water level in River Zhaiyk rises, 24 hours vigil maintained in Atyrau
Photo credit: Kazakh Emergencies Ministry

Flood control works are continuing in North Kazakhstan and Atyrau region. Disinfection works are underway in dried houses and household plots, Kazinform News Agency learnt from the Kazakh Emergencies Ministry.

277,360 cubic meters of water were pumped out from 29 homes and 22 household plots for the last 24 hours in Zarechnyi village and Podgora district of Petropavlovsk.

Water level in River Zhaiyk rises, 24 hours vigil maintained in Atyrau
Photo cerdit: Kazakh Emergencies Ministry

46,739 cubic meters of meltwater were pumped away in Kulsary, Atyrau region, for the past 24 hours. 12,550 sandbags and 380 tons of inert material were laid in proper places to reduce flood damage. The water level in the River Zhaiyk rises exceeding the critical point. Shore protection works continue with 24-hour vigil maintained in the city of Atyrau and Makhambet district. 1,750 sandbags and 215 tons of inert materials were placed in Kuilys and Zhaisanbai villages in Atyrau region.

Water level in River Zhaiyk rises, 24 hours vigil maintained in Atyrau
Photo credit: Kazakh Emergencies Ministry

61,155 flood-affected people returned to their homes while 5,443 are staying at temporary shelters. 21 million cubic meters of meltwater were pumped away from 11,317 homes and 3,573 household plots countrywide. Over 7.9 million bags full of sand and 1.5 million tons of inert materials were laid to prevent and reduce flooding impacts.

5,797 people, 938 pieces of equipment, 344 motor pumps, 66 floating crafts, and six aircraft were deployed in flood relief efforts.

Water level in River Zhaiyk rises, 24 hours vigil maintained in Atyrau
Photo credit: Kazakh Emergencies Ministry
Water level in River Zhaiyk rises, 24 hours vigil maintained in Atyrau
Photo credit: Kazakh Emergencies Ministry


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