We are ready for challenges - Director General of Delta press publishing house LLP Arman Sharipov

   ecember 14. KAZINFORM "My business Kazakhstan" is the name of a new magazine that was published in late November in Kazakhstan. The issue is oriented on the representatives of small and medium businesses. In an interview with a Kazinform correspondent Director General of Delta press publishing house LLP Arman Sharipov and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Eduard Poletayev told about the prospects and problems of this sphere of business press and the plans for future.

Шарипов Арман  Could you tell please about the problems you have faced while publishing the first issue of the journal?

 Arman Sharipov: To my mind, the key problem of Kazakhstan's business press is lack of understanding the purpose and essence of the issue. There is a plenty of various journals for business because it is considered as "fashion". We have already found our permanent readers - these are the chiefs and employees of small and medium business enterprises - self-sufficient people who are interested in information. The number of people involved in small and medium business can easily be found in statistical data. Thus, we can say with confidence that we have millions of readers and we are attractive for advertisers.

In the first issue of the journal you will find advertisement pages which are not usually notable for a business edition. The majority of the journals used to write that their target audience is the active and successful citizens with higher education at the age of 25-45 and hope that advertisers will "melt" with it.

 Полетаев Eduard Poletayev: All editions share the same problems: registration of mass media, search for an office, staff recruitment, selection of authors etc. The technologies of launch of new issues have been known for long and they do not differ from each other so much. Some of them pass hard way to the newsstands while others hold bright presentations with a bottle of champagne and famous people. We decided to choose another way having agreed to focus on the content of the edition. If our readers find it interesting and actual the journal will enjoy success. In another case it would share the feat of many issues which in fact lost during the crisis since they had been published for the advertisement of the banks and construction companies. If the readers do not buy journals, even its modern design will not save it.

 Which of the foreign editions do you find as a model for business journals and why?

 Arman Sharipov: I think it is impossible to take an "ideal edition" as an example and make Kazakhstani clone of it. Mr. Poletayev is right the edition which enjoys popularity among the population can be called as successful. The readers prefer to read original issues than their poor copies. However,  I like to read our foreign colleagues, for example The Entrepreneur and Russia's Svoi Business. Learning from colleagues is better than publishing copies.

 Eduard Poletayev: The world has enough editions for small and medium business, but we always search for new, unusual ways of solution of the problems. The content of the journal is fully produced in editorials. We also plan to attract foreign authors to share their experience with Kazakhstani businessmen. Gradually we will launch a number projects like the rating project of Ukraine's Focus journal. It is not sold in Kazakhstan; therefore we do not know much about it. Our journal is oriented on Kazakhstanis that is why writing about the business realias we focus on the experience of local businessmen. Our readers would like to know how their compatriots reach success, which ways and methods they have used and what difficulties they have faced.

 What about the ratings? Why do you want to estimate?

 Eduard Poletayev: Ratings help create conditions for publicity. All mass media prefer ratings. Let us remember world known editions Fortune and Forbes. Rating is an interesting and respectable product. Besides they are composed more in journals than in newspapers. The journals do not publish news, news agencies provide all necessary information much more earlier. Therefore the journals must work on design of the information in order to make it qualitative and full. By the way, there are various approaches to composition of the ratings - for example from the viewpoint of the methods of its creation they can be simple and complex.

 Why did you decide to launch your journal in the crisis period?

  Arman Sharipov: Our journal will use positive sides of the crisis. As President Nursultan Nazarbayev has said, we must overcome the crisis with new ideas and new achievements. Crisis is not a reason for doing nothing. The share of small and medium businesses in developed countries makes 60% of GDP. And our indices are much lower. In accordance with the global experience, small business allowed many countries coming out of the crisis and we will try to support development of domestic entrepreneurship, promote raising its sustainability, efficiency and competitiveness.

 How do you asses the market and the level of business journalism in Kazakhstan?

 Arman Sharipov: I would like to refer the results of the research conducted recently "Kazakhstan's mass media - key players, opportunities, needs and risks" in 10 regions of the country. In accordance with this research, the majority of readers are interested in business journalism. Alongside, news-writers and editors note lack of knowledge in financial sector, work of the banks, functioning of financial institutions and economic process in whole.

 Eduard Poletayev: Kazakhstan's business market has been formed not so long before but the business press market was not established. It changes due to crisis and the process continues. Business editions usually repeat the same information and we usually see the same persons on their pages. But I am confident that business press will change for better.

 Thank you for the interview!

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