We consider Kazakhstan as ally and economic partner of Russia - V. Zubkov

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - We understand the importance of Kazakhstan as the closest, along with Belarus, ally and economic partner of Russia, Special Representative of the Russian President for cooperation with the GECF, Chairman of the Board Gazprom Company Viktor Zubkov told speaking at the KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum.

"We think we have to continue to cooperate with Kazakhstan in terms of creation of the conditional for development of world energy market. Dear colleagues, we clearly understand the importance of Kazakhstan as the closest, along with Belarus, ally and economic partner. Moreover, our countries both understand the necessity to alleviate the negative impact of low prices for hydrocarbons on our economies," V. Zubkov said.

According to him, one of the possible measures is the use of financial resources if they were saved during the period of high oil and gas prices. "I am confident that this policy together with the announced by your country National Plan will allow the people and economy of Kazakhstan to overcome the period of unfavourble external-economic factors," V. Zubkov added.

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