We dynamically develop multilateral cooperation with Kazakhstan - Armenia President Serzh Sargsyan

How do you assess the level of bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and Armenia at the present stage? What are the prospects of their development?
Armenia and Kazakhstan are the allies within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. It speaks for itself. There is no higher level of cooperation between the states than the alliance, which assumes mutual obligations in case of a threat to one of the parties. We dynamically develop this cooperation through the formation of Collective Rapid Reaction Forces, development of contractual basis and holding of large-scale joint exercises.
I believe we do not use the potential of our economic cooperation in full. In future we should promote contacts between our business communities and create comfortable conditions for interaction.
2010 is the year of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE. Armenia actively supports our country in this context. How do you estimate the prospects of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010?
Armenia supported Kazakhstan's candidacy for presidency over the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. In reaching this decision we considered both our alliance within the CSTO, awareness of Kazakhstan on the main problems of South Caucasus region and, certainly, big personal experience of President Nazarbayev.
We wish Kazakhstan successful chairmanship in this organization, and peace and prosperity to the entire OSCE space from Vancouver to Vladivostok.
The most discussed topic today is the world economic crisis. What role in overcoming crisis phenomena do you assign to cooperation with Kazakhstan?
I well remember how quickly President Nursultan Abishevich suggested considering the opportunities of joint overcoming the challenges of the financial crisis. The idea of formation of the EurAsEC Anti-Crisis Fund was proposed here, in Kazakhstan. I think our countries made serious efforts to establish the mechanism of such a fund. But given the fact that the crisis will not wait, it is necessary that the activity of the fund become tangible for our economies as soon as possible.
Serzh Azatovich, in what way does your friendly relationship with the President of Kazakhstan influence the dynamic of Armenian-Kazakh partnership development?
Nursultan Abishevich is the President with great experience, a leader with excellent vision of the country's future and just a wise man.
President Nazarbayev greatly contributes to the development of cooperation between the states of the region being an active initiator of multi-vector integration processes. Kazakhstan becomes stronger every day. I wish progress and wellbeing to the people of Kazakhstan under the leadership of my distinguished colleague and friend.