16:15, 14 May 2016 | GMT +5
We have to lease land to Kazakhstanis only - K. Bishimbayev
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The lease of agricultural lands of Kazakhstan has to be available for the people of Kazakhstan only, Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan Kuandyk Bishimbayev told at the 1st sitting of the Land Reform Commission in Astana today.
"I'd like to stress that we have to sell our agricultural lands to the people of Kazakhstan only, and the practice of leasing of lands has to continue as well," K. Bishimbayev emphasized.
"Regarding privatization of the land or its selling, it's not the latest trend in the world that was invented in Kazakhstan. This practice has been used in developed countries for a lot time. I agree that Kazakhstan is not Europe or the USA. They developed for centuries, we had just 25 years. Thus, in my opinion we have to make this privatization available for those people of Kazakhstan who really want it. They can privatize the lands but all the norms and rules must be observed," K. Bishimbayev told.