We should make more efforts to establish middle class society

ASTANA. May 7. KAZINFORM /Rizvana Sadykova/?The main condition for successful development is ambition, strong wish to achieve goals. Try, make efforts and remember, that your future and the future of your country is in your hands!? Daniyar Nurgaliyev, a graduate of the University of Essex, expert of Kazakh Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning says.
Tell us about you, your family. What has predetermined the achievements you made: the example of parents, teachers? advice or unforgettable events of your childhood? I was born to the family of civil servants. My father finished his professional carrier as the President of the Kazakh Hunting and Fish Union, he had done much to preserve the endangered animal species in Kazakhstan. My mom had served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 25 years, got rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I admire my parents for their honesty, fairness, hardworking and responsible nature; they are my best friends and educators. I began studying English from the fifth grade. There was a strong desire to learn it, though at that time I could not even imagine that I would go to England. Having learnt about Bolashak scholarship program at the end of the third course, I decided to obtain the Master degree abroad. I collected all necessary information, and entered the University of Essex independently. Having successfully passed all tests I entered the University of Essex. I am grateful for the opportunity which allowed me to see what the West was. It is not so ideal? But we also have what to improve. I will try to justify investments in my education. Do you think that Western education differs from the national one? In addition to knowledge, what else study abroad has given you? It is a little bit difficult to compare the Western and our education. The first problem is corruption that exists in our universities. Secondly, approaches of teachers to their students. The Western teachers are pragmatic. The students studying abroad have all conditions for study: high speed internet, excellent domitories and etc. Students live in campuses with tennis court, soccer fields (roofed, open), lots of sports clubs. I was amazed that the sports clubs are initiated by students themselves, where they teach the others. It gives them an opportunity to friendly socialization which is important in students? life. There are also cafes, shops and night clubs in the campus. The same students work in all these places as cleaners (they are sometimes paid even more than the grant). It is pleasant to study here under such circumstances. But if you look subjectively, the difference is not in the conditions of studying. It is possible to study the same disciplines in our country but our students do not desire to study under the conditions they have. They do not see any perspectives. Living for a year in other culture I learned a lot of new things. For example, freedom of people. I think this factor plays a key role in social life of the West. What else should we improve so that Kazakhstan business could develop more effectively in the face of the global economic crisis? I think the efforts of the President to establish a middle class society has its positive results. It is easy to calculate how many people the middle class is feeding.We need to involve more and more people into the real economy. The middle class is a kind of locomotive that will help us to solve many social problems and to defeat poverty - these are the fruits of reforms and new economic policy. It is necessary to leave off a habit to live at the expense of the state; I think we should not hinder the development of businesses , invent new standards for small businesses. There is a necessity to get rid of the legal forms of corruption of the state bodies, such as akimats, fiscal services, reduce supervising bodies; create an effective bank system providing liberalization in foreign trade and tax reform. It is necessary the public service could serve its country, not personal interests of any group. At present our society has realized the danger of the political adventurism of separate oligarchs striving for power and state submission to their corporate interests. What would you like to wish youth, in particular the present and future scholarship holders? Now I think many talented children consider having good education as the basis of career success and personal perfection. They should meet their country?s expectations; to be competitive due to knowledge and moral qualities. They should be assessed for their knowledge, honesty and nobility. Only this way they could get respect and recognition of people. I wish all present and future ?Bolashak? scholarship holders and Kazakhstan youth success in all endeavors, but the basic condition for successful development is their desire, persistence in achieving their goals. Try, endeavor, and most importantly, remember that your own future and the future of the country in your hands now!
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