We started our own Kazakhstan's way approved and recognized by world community - N.Nazarbayev

sp;ASTANA. December 15. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has attended a festive occasion dedicated to the 18th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence.

The festive occasion was held in new Central Concert Hall "Kazakhstan". The Head of the State opened the event.

"Kazakhstan marks it's the most major holiday - the Independence Day. New state - the Republic of Kazakhstan - appeared on the political map of the world on December 16, 1991. We chose freedom and independence, because we wanted to create our future by ourselves, because we were able for more", N.Nazarbayev noted in the welcome speech.

As the President emphasized, we started our own Kazakhstan's way, which was approved and recognized by the world community.

"And over 18 years we put into life our plans, creating new Kazakhstan - the state of our dream and hope, the state, which ensures, protects interests of its citizens, the state, which strengthens its security, the state, position of which is acknowledged and taken into account by the world community, the state, which has strategic vision, the state with powerful potential, the state, which is able to solve difficult problems of the modernity", the Head of the State said.

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